Panel discussion | Law 9664: Potentials, threats, alternatives
19:00 - 20:30 EET
Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine invites you to join an online discussion about the Draft Law n.9664.
January 11th, 2024, at 19:00 (Kyiv time)
Draft Law 9664 on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Construction on Lands Occupied by Public Waterways has passed the Committee of the Ukrainian Parliament and will be put on vote possibly as early as the beginning of January. Draft Law aims to simplify the procedures for construction on lands occupied by public waterways, such as rivers, lakes and seas. However, it also raises serious concerns about its impact on ecology, corruption and local self-governance. These concerns were voiced by different stakeholders, including state agencies, parliament’s committees and non-governmental actors, but there has not been an open public discussion about this Law.
Lecture #17 | Architects for heritage in Ukraine: recreating identity and memory
19:00 - 20:30 EET
We invite you to join our next lecture «Architects for heritage in Ukraine: recreating identity and memory»!
Two of the key players behind the project — Rūta Leitanaitė, the initiator and coordinator of the project, a member of the Council of the Architects Association of Lithuania and Ruth Schagemann, President of the Architects’ Council of Europe will explain the concept behind the program and the dilemmas involved when working in an international context on such local and sensitive topics. Kateryna Goncharova, Ukrainian advisor World Monument Fund, will give a reaction and add her perspective from the Ukrainian context.
Lecture №16 | Vision for Mariupol: Economy & Ecology
19:00 - 20:30 EEST
We invite you to join the first lecture-presentation of the post-war development strategy for Mariupol «Vision of Mariupol: Economy & Ecology»!
During the lecture, members of the interdisciplinary team of Ro3kvit: Urban Coalition for Ukraine will present the strategy of the post-war spatial development for Mariupol and reveal the following topics:
☑️ diversification of the economy;
☑️ the new role of the Mariupol port in international trade and rebuilding;
☑️ sustainable mobility;
☑️ Azovstal territory development scenarios.
Lecture №15 | Vision for Mariupol: social and cultural aspects
19:00 - 20:30 EEST
We invite you to join the first lecture-presentation of the post-war development strategy for Mariupol «Vision of Mariupol: Cultural and Social Aspects»!
During the lecture, members of the interdisciplinary team Ro3kvit: Urban Coalition for Ukraine will present the strategy of the post-war spatial development for Mariupol and reveal the following aspects:
☑️ Fulco Treffers will explain the context of the project, current challenges in planning and basic needs for returning people to the city;
☑️ Mykola Tryfonov will talk about the development of Mariupol before the full-scale invasion, its current state and the work of the «I.Mariupol» centers;
☑️ Nataliya Kozub will explain the concept of the 15-minute neighborhood and tell in more detail about approaches in work with housing;
☑️ Alice Alexandrova will talk about the socio-geographical challenges of the city's development after de-occupation.
«UREHERIT. Architects for heritage in Ukraine: recreating identity and memory» conference
Lviv, Ukraine
On 13th of October 2023 a conference «UREHERIT. Architects for heritage in Ukraine: recreating identity and memory» will take place in Lviv, Ukraine (Bank Hotel, Lviv, Lystopadovoho Chynu St., 8).
All the program activities will be presented by Consortium partners, also calls for applications of Ukrainian participants will be launched during the conference.
Public participation handbook presentation
19:00 - 20:30 EET
"The public participation handbook of urban planning" was created by participatory team of the Ro3kvit urban coalition in response to the growing need of involving the community in the post-war recovery of Ukraine. The handbook contains basic information about the principles of participation, its processes, advantages of participatory planning, examples of participatory planning in the world, as well as inspiring successful cases from Ukraine.
Module 3 of the Capacity Building Programme for Reconstruction of Ukraine
15:00 - 16:30 EET
We invite community representatives to join Module 3 of the webinar series on reconstruction in Ukraine offered by the European Commission! The course was developed by the European Commission together with Ukrainian professionals for Ukrainian municipalities who will be involved in the reconstruction process.
Module 2 of the Capacity Building Programme for Reconstruction of Ukraine: Circular Economy and Energy Efficiency
15:00 - 16:30 EET
We invite community representatives to join Module 2 of the webinar series on reconstruction in Ukraine offered by the European Commission! The course was developed by the European Commission together with Ukrainian professionals for Ukrainian municipalities who will be involved in the reconstruction process.
Rebuilding a Place to Call Home: Presentation of the Report
12:00 - 13:30 EET
The bilingual report includes state-of-the-art knowledge of housing and land policy in Ukraine, and relevant approaches from all over Europe as well as an extensive set of recommendations to drive housing reform. It also calls on policymakers in Ukraine, partner countries, and international organisations to give strategic attention to safe, affordable, and energy-efficient housing in future recovery efforts.
Lecture 14: Heritage and Planning in Post-War Redevelopment
19:00 - 20:30 EET
It is an especially difficult and controversial question what to preserve and what to let go when reconstructing a war torn area. Dóra Mérai and Loes Veldpaus promote an integrated approach to heritage conservation and planning that focuses on the management of built environment as inherited from the past and being developed for the future.
Lecture 13: Strategies for the comprehensive transformation of soviet housing construction
19:00 - 20:30 EET
In this lecture, we will look at the problem of comprehensive renovation of Soviet-era mass housing construction on the example of Lithuania, where the processes are too slow, and the results often do not bring significant qualitative changes, and young families continue to move to the suburbs. Isn't it paradoxical that once a five-story apartment building could be built in a couple of weeks, and now, even with the use of all the latest technologies, it takes about a year to renovate?
Lecture #12 on Housing Urgency in Ukraine
19:00 - 20:30 EET
Philipp Meuser (Germany-Ukraine) and Nataliia Mysak (Ukraine-Switzerland) will present their typological research of the housing system in Ukraine and their findings about the immediate response to the housing crisis that emerged during the first months of the full-scale invasion.
Lecture #11 on Circular Construction in Ukraine
19:00 - 20:30 EET
This lecture deals with the current framework conditions and existing country-specific potentials for circular construction in Ukraine. It will address the current legislation on circularity, introduce various material resources and highlight construction techniques for low-carbon construction in Ukraine.
Lecture #10 on New European Bauhaus
19:00 - 20:30 EET
New European Bauhaus: building sustainable future jointly with the EUWhat is the New European Bauhaus and how does this initiative help implement the European Green Deal? NEB values and principles. Collaboration with NEB: How organizations, companies and citizens can work jointly on common issues?
Discussion "Strategy of change: new roles and new partnerships for Ukraine’s recovery"
14:00 - 19:00 EET
Panel discussion on the cooperation of civil society, business, government, and international partners in post-war reconstruction and instruments to support the participation of the local communities in rebuilding initiatives