19:00 - 20:30 EEST
18:00 - 19:30 CEST
Format: Online
Language: English and Ukrainian, with simultaneous translation
Lecture #1: "Introducing Ro3kvit" + "Rebuilding after Conflict, WHAT (not) to Do"
The lecture series is organised by ro3kvit urban coalition for Ukraine with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation.
Oleg Drozdov UA
Lead architect of Drozdov & Partners and founder and tutor of Kharkiv School of Architecture (sinds 2017). He is curator and member of international juries and advisory boards, like the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. Drozdov is co-founder and Chairman of the Ro3kvit coalition.
Lilet Breddels NL
Researcher, curator and editor. She is director of Archis.org, architectural thinktank in Amsterdam and publisher of Volume Magazine. Breddels is leading the Architecture of Peace project on the potential of architecture in (post)conflict situations.