

19:00 - 20:30 EET18:00 - 19:30 CET

Format: Online

Language: English and Ukrainian, with simultaneous translation 

Can wood be a sustainable, viable building material in Ukraine at scale? Join us for a public lecture and discussion on 27 March!

Timber construction is an important factor in sustainable urban development. Using wood as a building material helps reduce the carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency, and conserve natural resources. In the Netherlands, for example, the conditions for large-scale timber construction have already been created, while in Ukraine, the sector is just starting to develop, although timber as a resource is widely available in Ukraine. In the lecture, we will look at how timber construction can become a driver of sustainable development and what steps are needed to scale it up in Ukraine.
At the lecture, we will discuss:πŸ”Ή The benefits and prospects of timber construction πŸ”Ή Do Janne Vermeulen will present the experience of timber construction in the NetherlandsπŸ”ΉThe potential of timber construction in Ukraine and the legal framework
The meeting will be moderated by architect and researcher Natalia Kozub and Ro3kvit project manager Lilet Breddels. 
When πŸ‘‰ 27 March (Thursday), 18:00 CET / 19:00 EETWhere πŸ‘‰ ZOOM. Link to register:
Part of the event will be a discussion where you can participate, share your thoughts, and get answers to questions about timber construction. Join us to find out how timber construction can change cities and what steps are needed to develop it in Ukraine!


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    Andrii Bidakov

    Associate Professor of the Department of Building Constructions Design, O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy

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    Do Janne Vermeulen

    Project Architect of HAUT, an award-winning and highest timber hybrid building in Amsterdam

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    Yevhenii Khan

    Ph.D. CoC and Integrity manager FSC Ukraine