13.06.2023Ro3kvit team

International volunteer heritage camp in Rozdil Palace

The heritage camp will welcome volunteers who are interested in heritage or community participation and plan to work with heritage in the future: architects, cultural experts, historians, etc., as well as residents of local communities who want to learn basic pre-restoration practices. A cultural and educational program for volunteers and the community will complement the work at the site, focusing on the best Ukrainian and global practices of working with heritage, the role of heritage for small communities, the value of heritage in identity building, the economic potential of historical buildings, inclusion and participation, etc.
International volunteer heritage camp will be held in Rozdil Palace in August. The initiative, being part of the international project “UREHERIT: Architects for the Heritage of Ukraine”, aims to develop tools and practices of public participation to save heritage objects. The heritage camp participants will work on the restoration of the walls of the archive building and other historical buildings on the territory of the Lanckoronski-Rzewuski palace and park complex in Rozdil.
This project brought together many organizations from Ukraine and Romania, including Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine, NGO Building Ukraine Together - BUR, Heritage.UA initiative, the Rozdil community, and several Romanian initiatives supported by the Order of Architects of Romania (OAR). Romanian experts will share their experience of saving heritage with the involvement of local communities, in particular, successful programs such as Pro Patrimonio and the Ambulance for Monuments which in 2020 received the Public Choice Award from Europa Nostra, the pan-European federation of heritage organizations.

For information:

The UREHERIT project was initiated by the Association of Architects of Lithuania and is implemented by a consortium of 11 organizations from Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Romania, Germany, Italy, Estonia and Ukraine.
The project unites European and Ukrainian specialists in the effort to preserve and restore cultural heritage. Within its framework, heritage experts, architects, designers, engineers, representatives of local authorities and communities of Ukrainian cities will work on the topics of protection and restoration of Ukrainian cultural heritage. The project includes research, seminars, public discussions, other events, professional development programs and educational programs for architecture schools.

The palace and park complex in Rozdil in the Lviv Region is located within the historical territory of "Frankopil" and includes the architectural monument of local importance Zhevusky-Lantskoronsky Palace, a number of Soviet buildings built on the walls of the palace archive, as well as a park - a garden monument park art with an area of ​​6.5 hectares.
Today, the buildings are privately owned by the Ukrainian investment company "EFI GROUP" represented by its subsidiary "Palace Rozdil" LLC, the park is an object of communal ownership of Novorozdilska community. The palace is of great historical, cultural and artistic value. It is related to the three great families of Cherniivskyi, Zhevuskyi and Liantskoronskyi, however, it is one of the few in Ukraine with a single dynastic line, as it was passed down as a property through marriages. Under the Liantskoronskys, the funds of one of the three largest art collections of Austria-Hungary were housed here, and the palace itself performed the function of storing and exhibiting works of art. The palace is an example of harmonious reconstructions of a number of construction periods from baroque to historicism, it has preserved authentic carpentry in the "flounder" technique typical of that time and fragments of monumental painting. Today, the palace and park complex is at the stage of comprehensive scientific research and development of the future concept of accommodation. The "Division Palace" project is being implemented by "EFI Group in partnership with the "Heritage.UA" initiative.

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