    Ecology, Economy, Reso

Dnipro River Integrated Vision

«Dnipro River Integrated Vision» is a project in cooperation with Greenpeace.
Through research and data collection together with Greenpeace we would try to understand all the aspects of the river: from economic to ecological, from safety to recreation, from drinking water to waste, and even safety — some of these aspects are complementary, some are contradicting. Our goal is to develop a vision that will ensure the Dnipro River remains a source of life for future generations.

The first phase of «Dnipro River Integrated Vision» project will last 6 months and will include data collection, stakeholder talks, spatial and functional analysis and possible scenarios. After this, we expect to continue zooming in the most urgent topics and locations.

Team: Fulco Treffers, Svitlana Usychenko, Antoine Korchagin, Vaagn Mnatsakanian, Angel Bondov, Hristo Panchev, Mariia Mnatsakanian, Tim Van Epp, Dmytro Gurin, Niall Buckley, Eva Lolou