Histories of Ukrainian Architecture – a new publishing programme in response to the Russian aggression in Ukraine
A renowned Berling-based publishing house DOM launches Histories of Ukrainian Architecture – a publishing programme in response to the Russian aggression in Ukraine.
The statement from the publishing house says that the aim of the series is to give Ukrainian authors a greater voice outside their homeland, to increase knowledge about architectural history, and to strengthen Ukraine’s sovereignty.
A series will include full-colour textbooks with richly-illustrated topics on architecture, urban design, planning methods, and architects’ portraits in the past 100 years. These titles will be published in different languages (English, Ukrainian, and German) as part of DOM publishers’ BASICS series. It will include at least 12 titles, among them “Architectural Guide Kyiv” by Semen Shyrochyn and “Architectural Guide Kharkiv” by Ievgeniia Gubkina, “Ukrainische Architekten und Architektinnen. Biografien, Bauten und Projekte seit 1900” by Peter Knoch and Björn Rosen, volumes on the typologies of mass housing and rural housing in Ukraine by Kateryna Malaia and Philipp Meuser, and others. The series will also include a book by ro3kvit urban coalition members about the coalition’s projects and approaches. The titles will be published throughout 2023.
DOM publishers is a partner of Ro3kvit, with the publisher Phillip Meuser being one of the earliest members and ambassadors of the coalition. Since its foundation in 2005, DOM publishers have been focusing on architecture and urban design in East Europe and former Soviet Republics.
The full list of titles:
Urban Coalition for UkraineStrategies and PropositionsEdited by Lilet Breddels with Tetyana Oliynykand Fulco TreffersISBN 978-3-86922-832-7
Being a Ukrainian Architect During WartimeEssays, Articles, Interviews, and ManifestosIevgeniia GubkinaISBN 978-3-86922-839-6
The City as a Political PawnUrban Identities in Chisinau, Chernivtsi,Lviv and WroclawEdited by Bo LarsonISBN 978-3-86922-822-8
Mass Housing in UkraineBuilding Typology and Catalogue of SeriesKateryna Malaia/Philipp MeuserISBN 978-3-86922-830-3
Rural Housing in UkraineBuilding Typology and Catalogue of SeriesKateryna MalaiaISBN 978-3-86922-855-6
Large Housing Estates in UkraineHistories, Typologies, and CommunitiesEdited by Nataliia MysakISBN 978-3-86922-840-2
Ukrainische Architekten und ArchitektinnenBiografien, Bauten und Projekte seit 1900Peter Knoch/Björn RosenISBN 978-3-86922-848-8
Wohnungswirtschaft und Wohnungsbau in der UkraineGrundlagen, Probleme und StrategienHerausgegeben von Knut HöllerISBN 978-3-86922-885-3
*Європейський шлях відбудови містТом 1: гуманні міста – практичний посібник10 принципів міської трансформаціїКарстен ПолссонПереклад Людмили ШвецьISBN 978-3-86922-856-3
*Європейський шлях відбудови містТом 2: Квартальні міста – практичний посібник10 принципів сучасного плануванняКарстен ПолссонПереклад Людмили Швець та Ганни ШостакISBN 978-3-86922-857-0
Architectural Guide KyivSemen ShyrochynISBN 978-3-86922-854-9Architectural Guide KharkivIevgeniia GubkinaISBN 978-3-86922-407-7... to be continued
Initiator:DOM publishers, BerlinCo-publishing partnerOSNOVY PublishingPeriodLaunched in June 2022 (ongoing)Type of projectBook publication programmeFinancingGerman Publishing Prize (partly)and third parties